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Placements '24: Resources & Advice

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Eshaan Aggarwal @EshaanAgg

Last updated: Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Competitive Programming & DSA

No suprise, this by far is the most important part that you need to focus on. Don’t start at the last minute, and try to inculcate the habit of solving questions and discussing with your peers early on.

Core Computer Science Concepts

These concepts take the most time, and are often the deciding factors in a low-medium difficulty online assesement where a large majority of the students are able to solve the problems. My two cents: don’t skip these topics or keep them for the last. Learn them early on, and maintain conscise notes. Then as the placement or intern season approaches, make a habit of spending 30-45 minutes daily to solve MCQs related to these topics.

GFG is probably the only resource you need for these MCQs. It is very common for the companies to directly pick questions from here, and the explanations are also very good.

Here are also some conscise notes about OOPS that I started maintainging as I solved these MCQs, as well as from the questions I saw in my online assements and that of my seniors. I have no plans of updating them, and they probably won’t make any sense if you haven’t studied the topic first. But if you have, they might be a good refresher and help you in remembering some important or lesser known points, and getting those ‘tricky’ questions right.

Database Management, SQL, and Operating Systems are a much do if you are from a circuital branch. The questions that are asked are usually basic and standard for the most part, but you need to be aware about them and have a good understanding of the concepts. As usual, MCQS from GFG to test your mettle and YouTube videos of any online educator that you like would be a good start.

Computer networks in also usually included in CS concepts, but I decided to skip them in the interest of time. A very few companies ask questions from this topic (like Cisco) and for very specific roles (like Network Engineer). You might want to read about them if you are interested in such roles. Many of my friends who just covered some basics topics like TCP/IP, OSI model, and HTTPS, were able to answer “most” of the netwroking questions in the OAs as well as the interviews.

Puzzles & Quant Resouce

Other than the above topics, puzzles and probability questions are also very common in OAs & interviews alike. The good news about them is that they have been more or less standardized, so you can find a lot of resources online to practice them. Brainstellar is a must do if you are aiming for Quant roles or roles in major fin-tech giants (Making a habit of 30 minutes daily practice is a good idea). GeeksforGeeks is also a good resource for these questions, and you can find a lot of them in the Puzzles section of the website.

If you want to dwell even deeper into the same, A Practical Guide To Quantitative Finance Interviews by Xinfeng Zhou, better known as the “Green Book” is the most trusted source. I never managed to read it, but the introduction chapter on puzzles is something that I really enjoyed. Quant Guide (AKA the Leetcode for Quant) and Puzzled Quant are some other resources that I have heard good things about, but never used myself.

CPP Topics

WARNING: This section is probably not for you unless you are aiming for a dedicated C++ developer role or a low level role like system programming. If you are aiming for a general SDE role, you should be fine with the basics of C++ and the topics that are covered in the DSA section.

Learn CPP is a great resource for these topics and learning C++ nitigrities in general. The Modern CPP Tutorial and CMU Databases’s 15445 Bootcamp are also some resources that I found post the placement season that I wish I had known about earlier.

Do spend good time on learning about your language in general (apart from the typical competitive programming), and how it works under the hood. If you are short on time, I would recommend focusing on the following topics: